Taiju Muto is a programmer who lives in Japan. He has almost ten years experience of custom software development as an employee and freelance. His wide skill range spread over C++ streaming server, full-stack web framework apps like Rails/Django/Symfony, Andrid/iOS native apps, and React Redux front-end apps. He had learnt these skills quickly as soon as he joined many kind of projects to adapt himself for the market needs. Lastly, he is a computer graphics hobbyist.
Indivisual 2010-12-01 —
Independent Programmer
Custom software development professional.
- Many mobile native products both Android and iOS.
- Some large scale web services.
- Made lynda.com video cources on HTML5 and Node.js.
SGRA corporation 2006-04-01 — 2010-11-31
Custom software development company which had an advantage in video and broadcasting region.
- Build RTMP streaming server in C++. It has mixed architecture of event based nonblocking I/O and multithreading.
Tokai University 2004-04-01 — 2007-03-31
Information Science
Web Development
- React Redux
- Node.js
- Rails5(Ruby)
- Django(Python)
- Symfony2(PHP)
- Concrete5
Mobile Development
- Android
- iOS
Network Programming
- Non blocking I/O
- Multithreading
- C++
- Cross-platform(Linux/Mac/Windows)
Native speaker
Limited working proficiency
Computer Graphics
- Raytracing
- Demoscene